Stitcher: Anne-Marie C
From: Isigny sur Mer, 14, France
Dark green: DMC 368
Medium green: DMC 676
Light green: DMC 934
Floral colour 1: DMC Variation 4045
Floral colour 2: DMC Variation 4150
Floral colour 3: DMC Variation 4060
Floral colour 4: DMC Variation 4070
Floral colour 5: DMC Variation 4065
Floral colour 6: DMC Variation 4235
Floral colour 7: DMC Variation 4126
Floral colour 8: DMC Shaded 69
Floral colour 9: DMC Shaded 115
Bead 1:
Bead 2:

The little freebie Sirtaki

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Latest Comments

Submitted by lamichbrod
modèle sirtaki s'ilvous plait superbe,j'aurai bien voulu le

Submitted by marie.libellule
Bravo Anne marie, tu es rapide et c'est magnifique!

Submitted by Jill
Beautiful! And you must be a fast stitcher.

Submitted by MissLN
Magnifique, tu as un belle aiguille turbo,j'adore ton interprétation de free.

Submitted by Agnès17
quelle rapidité, très joli! !

Submitted by Lany

Submitted by Françoise (Frani)
Ravie de te retrouver ici.Ouah!!! c'est du rapide!Bravo!

Submitted by Gisèle
Comme on se retrouve , très joli , j'aime le choix de tes coloris , bisous

Submitted by shebafudge
Looking lovely!

Submitted by Monique Bluesy
tu as vraiment une aiguille turbo !