Stitcher: Jill B
From: Wanaka, Wanaka, New Zealand
Material: 30 count linen
Dark green: DMC 500
Medium green: DMC 501
Light green: DMC 502
Floral colour 1: DMC 352
Floral colour 2: DMC 335
Floral colour 3: DMC 743
Floral colour 4: DMC 351
Floral colour 5: DMC 340
Floral colour 6: DMC 3354
Floral colour 7: DMC 3820
Floral colour 8: DMC 341
Metallic thread: Gold
Bead 1: At the end
Bead 2:

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Latest Comments

Submitted by Lyn Mallinson
Maybe catch up with you next time.

Submitted by Jill
Finally caught up after a hectic last 6 months. Was in Kaiapoi the last couple of days but I didnt have time to call in sorry. Yes lots and lots of beads!

Submitted by Lyn Mallinson
Looking good Jill! Not many spaces left to fill. Just lots and lots of beads eh?

Submitted by Lyn Mallinson
How's yours coming on Jill? I'm still really enjoying it!

Submitted by Lyn M, Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Good to see our updated photo! It really is very pretty!!

Submitted by Lyn M, Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Great! That's just 5 minutes away!

Submitted by Jill
Going to be staying with a friend in Wesley St, Kaiapoi. Will let you know when I have firm dates.

Submitted by Lyn M, Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Love to catch up with you!! Maybe see each others pieces?

Submitted by Jill
Thanks Lyn! Going to be in Chch in a couple of months - keen for a coffee?

Submitted by Lyn M, Kaiapoi, New Zealand
It's really pretty Jill. Well done from a fellow Kiwi!