Stitcher: Martine P
From: Louvain la Neuve, , Belgiium
Material: 30 count naturel linen
Dark green: DMC 469
Medium green: DMC 470
Light green: DMC 471
Floral colour 1:
Floral colour 2:
Floral colour 3:
Floral colour 4:
Floral colour 5:
Floral colour 6:
Floral colour 7:
Floral colour 8:
Metallic thread:
Bead 1:
Bead 2:

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Latest Comments

Submitted by marthe
Bravo pour cette belle broderie toute en douceur!

Submitted by Gisèle
Tu n'as pas donné les n° de tes couleurs!!!Dommage car c'est très joli tous ces roses mauves

Submitted by Martine
Merci, Thanks ! My friends

Submitted by Rebekah T.
So pretty!

Submitted by Marcy M
Beautiful! I love the pinks

Submitted by Martine
Mille Mercis à vous,

Submitted by Ruth P.
Very pretty. I like the pretty pink tones.

Submitted by shebafudge
Really pretty and very delicate looking.

Submitted by arlette91
Très joli

Submitted by Albina,
very pretty!